

Basket Shaped Cannula


Candy Cane Cannula


Deep Cut Cannula


Pyramid Cannula




Stevens Style Cannula



Harvesting cannulas are the essential tools in medical procedures. They play a pivotal role in various medical practices, facilitating the safe extraction of biological materials with precision and efficiency.

Careful harvesting is vital for successful harvesting of fat cells from targeted areas. The harvesting cannulas feature unique designs with suction holes that safely extract fat cells, while the cannula tube provides enough space for the cells to be drawn into the syringe/ fat collecting canisters.

At Alira Medical, we recognize the paramount importance of selecting the right harvesting cannulas, crafted with superior quality materials and precision engineering to guarantee successful outcomes in medical procedures.

Explore our range of high-quality harvesting cannulas on our website to elevate your medical practice to new heights of excellence.

Types of Harvesting Cannulas

At Alira Medical we offer a wide selection of specialized harvesting cannulas designed to satisfy a variety of medical demands with precision and efficiency. Some basic and the most often used types of harvesting cannulas are mentioned below;

  1. Cobra Cannula

    A curved form enables precise access, similar to a cobra’s hood. Cobra Cannula ensures efficient extraction with minimal trauma.

  2. Multiport Harvester Cannula

    The Multiport Harvester Cannula allows for simultaneous extraction from numerous locations, resulting in higher sample yield and shorter procedure times.

  3. Dissector Cannula

    The Dissector Cannula features a sharp, tapered tip and short shaft for precise tissue dissection with minimal stress.

  4. Liposuction Cannula

    The Liposuction Cannula is optimized for extracting adipose tissue during liposuction treatments, offering superior suction and maneuverability.

  5. Basket Shaped Cannula

    The Basket Shaped Cannula is crafted  with 2 distinct basket-style tips to enhance liposuction procedures by enabling swift and gentle harvesting of larger volumes, ensuring a less traumatic experience for patients.

  6. Mercedes Liposuction Cannula

    The Mercedes Liposuction Cannula showcases a distinctive design comprising numerous side ports and a rounded tip, facilitating efficient suction and even fat extraction, with minimized tissue trauma for enhanced contouring and patient comfort.

Materials Used in Alira’s Harvesting Cannulas

Harvesting cannulas from Alira Medical are painstakingly made from surgical-grade stainless steel, which is known for its outstanding quality and resilience. This premium material has various essential attributes that guarantee the reliability and durability of our surgical tools. Such as:

  1. Corrosion Resistance

    Surgical-grade stainless steel is naturally corrosion-resistant, ensuring the integrity of our harvesting cannulas in harsh medical conditions, and extending their lifespan and performance.

  2. Biocompatibility

    Our harvesting cannulas are biocompatible, which means they ensure patient safety and reduce unpleasant reactions during medical procedures. These tools give practitioners and patients peace of mind.

  3. Strength and Durability

    Alira’s harvesting cannulas, are made from surgical-grade stainless steel, so these are strong, durable, and reliable. These cannulas ensure dependable performance and lifespan in medical procedures.

    To maintain our dedication to quality, dependability, and patient safety, Alira Medical uses surgical-grade stainless steel to create our harvesting cannulas. Put your trust in our tools to perform tissue harvesting procedures with outstanding results, supported by the superb qualities of surgical-grade materials.

Why to Choose Alira’s Harvesting Cannulas:

Choose Alira Medical for harvesting cannulas that combine superior quality, affordability, and exceptional support, empowering medical professionals to deliver the best possible care to their patients. At Alira we promise to provide you with extensive products without any fault. We use high-grade stainless steel and top-notch technology in making these delicate surgical tools.

Here are the reasons to choose us for any medical device, especially harvesting cannulas.

  1. Superior Quality Materials

    Crafted from surgical-grade stainless steel, our harvesting cannulas ensure reliability, durability, and patient safety with every use.

  2. Extensive Variation

    Available in a wide range of variations, our cannulas cater to diverse procedural needs, providing practitioners with flexibility in instrument selection.

  3. Nationwide Delivery

    We offer prompt delivery across the USA, ensuring medical professionals have access to the instruments they need when they need them.

  4. Endorsement by Experts

    Trusted and recommended by highly qualified professionals, our harvesting cannulas reflect confidence in their quality, performance, and reliability.

  5. Affordable Rates

    We offer competitive and affordable rates, making quality medical instruments accessible to healthcare providers without compromising on excellence.

  6.  Comprehensive Support

    Our commitment extends beyond product quality. We provide comprehensive customer support, including technical assistance and product guidance, ensuring a seamless experience for healthcare providers.